Series of workshops with Alec Balasescu, PhD, associate faculty in the Master of Global Leadership, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada

Based on the most advanced theories and practices of leadership and change, we propose a series of workshops to respond to current and future challenges faced by leaders at all levels of the organization. The workshops contain theoretical presentations and practical activities to enhance the understanding of leadership style and conduit alignment to complex environments. 

The themes proposed are as follows: 

  • System thinking - what is it, how does it work, why do we need it?
  • Parameters of a learning organization: how to transform our workplace into a learning organization, and why. How can talent and skills be distributed in a dynamic workplace?
  • Emotions and behavior - why there is no pure rational behavior and why understanding emotions is crucial for leadership. Personal values and alignment to behavior in leadership roles - how many leadership styles are there? How can we adapt our leadership style to the environment? How Leadership can understand change and relate to emotions. 
  • Embracing diversity - from cultural to cognitive, diversity is an asset that needs to be first understood and then used for best results
  • Embracing change while understanding resistance: why change is not possible without resistance, and why resistance is beneficial to change. How to understand and channel resistance in order to create a culture of change. 
  • Sustainability and its challenges - ESG from external indicators to internal culture
  • VUCA: Operating in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment: The case of/for Romania.

Contact Ioana Prândurel for more details at [email protected]/ +40722277764.